APEGA's Digital Signature
Desktop - Cloud
Desktop - Cloud
Digital Signature

The digital signature from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) is a verified digital identity in the form of a signature certificate.
It confirms the civic identity and professional designation of the signer. Each time it is used, it validates that the signer has the right to practice in their jurisdiction in real-time. It thus ensures the integrity of the signed electronic documents.
Features / Pricing |
Used by 50,000 professionals
One time sign-up fee: $109 Yearly subscription: $215* *Volume discount available |
New solution!
One time sign-up fee: $0 Yearly subscription: $219 |
Media Support | Computer |
Cloud-Based Computer, phone, tablet (iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac) |
Electronic Image of the Stamp |
Included and downloadable Get the stamp |
Included and downloadable Get the stamp |
PDF signing tool (included for free) | ConsignO Desktop | ConsignO Desktop |
Compatible signing tools (a subscription may be required) |
On Windows or Mac computer, you can sign a PDF directly through ConsignO Cloud, ConsignO Desktop, Adobe Acrobat, BlueBeam and many more PDF tools. |
On any device, you can digitally sign through ConsignO Cloud Solo or ConsignO Cloud. Currently not possible to sign through Adobe Acrobat or BlueBeam (but a cloud signature can be validated). |
Advantages |
Professional association and title included Batch signing with ConsignO Desktop |
Professional association and title included Mobile and tablet signing and AATL compliance (green checkmark by default) Advanced signature appearance management |
Software installation | Entrust Client, CertifiO Manager and signing tool | No software required |
Certification |
Issued by the professional association Recognized by Microsoft® Certified, audited and high-availability secured infrastructure |
Issued by the professional association Recognized by Microsoft® and Adobe® (AATL) Certified, audited and high-availability secured infrastructure |
Authentication | Password |
Password Phone required for two-factor authentication |
Internet and mobile connectivity |
Off-line signature with restrictions No mobile phone required |
Online signature only (Internet required) A valid Canadian or US mobile phone number required* |
Subscription guide | CertifiO Professionals | Available soon |
Brochure | Desktop | Cloud |
* Please contact Notarius for support in other countries
Electronic Image of the Stamp
APEGA’s Digital Signature
- Issued after a face-to-face identity verification and the validation of your professional affiliation with APEGA.
- Can only be applied by entering your personal password.
- Can be used within ConsignO Desktop, ConsignO Cloud, Acrobat Reader, Bluebeam Revu and many other PDF readers.
Electronic Image of the Stamp
- Downloadable from your Notarius account
(learn how here). - Including your name and APEGA ID.
- Complementary with your digital signature*.
*This electronic stamp image should not be confused with an APEGA digital signature. An APEGA digital signature is metadata that includes professional designations and guarantees the origin of an electronic document, its integrity, and its authenticity. The electronic stamp image is a visual component of authentication. See APEGA’s Authenticating Professional Work Products practice standard for a list of all the required components of authentication.
Great for Engineers and Geoscientists
in the Office or on the Move
Digital Signature (.epf file)
Digital signature issued by APEGA. Certifies the member’s identity and professional affiliation.
Professional Signature Tool
Digital signature software with advanced features and a PDF reader. Allows you to sign batches of documents in just a few clicks, and more. Included for free with your CertifiO Desktop signature.
AATL Digital Signature (Cloud)
Multi-platform digital signature hosted on a secure Cloud infrastructure. It is issued by APEGA and certifies the signer’s identity and professional affiliation.
Signature Tool and PDF Reader
Web-based application for affixing a CertifiO Cloud digital signature onto a PDF to give it a high level of legal reliability. Perfect for small files and single signature projects. Included for free with your CertifiO Cloud signature.
Major Professional Advantages
Professional Flexibility
A discount is also available on sign-up fees.
Yearly subscription
Get an APEGA digital signature at a discounted price if you already hold an approved and activated Professional Signature from another jurisdiction* Subscribe to the right APEGA signature for you at the top of this page.
*Signatures must bear the same name. The discount applies to the lower-priced signature.
4 Steps to Subscribe
a face-to-face identity verification with one of our agents
Get approval by
your professional
Approx. 5 days
Activate your CertifiO Cloud or Desktop digital signature and start signing documents!
Leveraging Digital Solutions
«It’s nice to have CertifiO Desktop templating ability when you have 20 pages of documents or if you are always authenticating the same type of report over and over again. You can template it and make that quicker. That’s a nice feature! »
-Daryle Tilroe, Director of Engineering Services, City of Edmonton

«CertifiO Cloud Digital Signature provides more opportunity for digital ecosystem integration for use by professionals who are concerned about protecting the authenticity of their electronic documents. It is easy to deploy and can be usedfrom a smartphone or any other device.»
Alexandre Beaulieu, Director of Product Management at Notarius
De quelle ordre ou associations faites-vous partie ?
Le prix de l’abonnement peut varié selon votre ordre ou association.
What is a digital signature?
A digital signature is an encrypted electronic signature that guarantees the origin of an electronic document, its integrity, and its authenticity. When you manually sign a document, you guarantee your agreement to the text content. A digital signature does the same thing and adds even more information. It guarantees signature authenticity by proving that you are the person who signed, it ensures document integrity, meaning that it has not been modified since the signature, and also confirms that the sustainability of the document, ensuring its validity for years to come.
Difference between a digital and an electronic signature
An electronic signature consists of blocks of information that identify you. A digital signature is a form of electronic signature that is more secure because it is encrypted and can be invisible. It protects many elements of your documents. Watch the CertifiO video
What is the difference between Desktop and Cloud digital signatures?
CertifiO Desktop in housed in a .epf file and works on a computer using any PDF reader. Using the signature in the ConsignO Desktop software, allows you to sign documents in batches and to access dozens of advanced features.
CertifiO Cloud is housed in our secure cloud and works on any device connected to the internet via the ConsignO Cloud Solo web app. You can manage seal parameters and sign documents from a smart phone.
Both CertifiO Desktop and CertifiO Cloud are compatible with the ConsignO Cloud electronic signature platform, which allows you to optimize "internal-external" signature projects.
What is a digital signature certificate and what type of information does it contain?
The digital signature certificate can be compared to a passport. It contains information that helps authenticate the signer’s identity and links them to their digital signature. All recipients can see the certificate’s details by accessing Notarius’ online certification servers. Certificates are issued by Notarius, a certification authority, once a user’s identity and, when applicable, professional status, have been verified. The certificate is an electronic file that meets the X.509 standard and is signed by a recognized certification authority. It contains data that identifies the user, such as:
- The user’s distinctive name (last name, first name, and, when applicable, member number)
- The name of the user’s professional association, when applicable
- The user’s email address
- The user’s public verification key
- The certificate’s validity period
- The certificate’s serial number
- The issuing certificate authority’s digital signature to verify and guarantee the authenticity of the information contained within the certificate
Moreover, the certificate contains a public verification key that matches the private signature key. Together, they create a link between the user and the asymmetric key pair.
Is my digital signature recognized elsewhere in Canada?
Yes. Notarius is compliant with the criteria specified in the federal law, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. There may also be particular provincial laws whose criteria Notarius respects because they generally have the same effect as the federal law and as such, are very similar.
Why an in-person identity verification process?
For your security!
Notarius’ digital signature confirms your identity in the digital world and carries the same legal value as your handwritten signature for all types of documents, including binding contracts. It is therefore necessary to uphold a rigorous and secure application process.
Does Notarius store copies of my documents?
No. The only information that Notarius collects and saves are certain personal and professional details of its customers that are necessary to offer the digital signature service, such as the first name, last name, email address, and, in the case of a professional, professional association member number. To know more on how Notarius uses this information, please see the Privacy Policy.
Does Notarius have access to my credit card number?
When you pay by credit card, the information entered in your browser is sent directly to Paysafe Payments, a reliable company recognized for its online payment processing solution. The data does not transit through Notarius servers; we therefore do not have access to your entire credit card number. Our payment processing platform will provide us with the last 4 digits of your credit card number as part of the transaction confirmation.
I would like to bill my company. How do I do that?
Your company must first have a direct billing account with Notarius. Once an account has been opened, the option to direct bill your employer will be instantly available when you sign up through the portal based on your work email domain name.
Notarius offers group rates on annual subscription fees for groups of 51 users or more charged to the same account. See the different rates available under the “Pricing” tab on your professional association’s page. For more information, contact the Sales team.
I exercise my profession in multiple jurisdictions; how do I get an additional signature?
If you exercise in one or more jurisdictions and the professional associations that you belong to issue digital signatures through the Notarius Certificate Authority, there is absolutely NO SIGN-UP FEE, and the cost of additional digital signatures is $99 per signature.
For example, if you are a member of EGBC, APEGA and APEGS, your digital signature fees would break down as follows:
1st EGBC digital signature: $99 + $195 = $294
2nd APEGA digital signature: $99
3rd APEGS digital signature: $99
Total for first year: $492 for all three signatures
Total for second year: $393 for all three signatures
Can I ask my technician or assistant to sign in my place and use my digital signature?
NO. This goes against your authentication standards and our certificate policies. Your right to use a digital signature may be revoked if you share your digital signature and password with someone else, including your colleagues, spouse and children. A third party may prepare your signature zone, but you are the only person who can use your digital signature.
Our experts will help you find the right solutions.