Digital Signature for Departments
Sign electronic documents on behalf of your department or company without associating them with an individual signer.
Certify the authenticity of the documents that your department or organization issues using an electronic signature with a high level of reliability.
Digitally sign your documents and allow anyone who consults them to quickly detect any alterations made after signing.
Quickly and efficiently sign your electronic documents, whether they're batches of plans, quotes or contracts.
CertifiO for Departements
Features |
Installed on your workstation
$219 /year
USB token
Includes the name of the department or organization |
Automatically recognized by Adobe® (AATL) |
Automatically recognized by Microsoft® |
Offline signing option |
Compatible with ConsignO Desktop and its advanced features (offered at no extra charge) |
Compatible with Adobe, BlueBeam® and Nitro PDF® |
Certified, audited and high-availability infrastructure |

All of the Tools you Need to Digitally Sign your Documents
Apply your digital signature using our electronic signature tools. Our range of easy-to-use of tools makes your document preparation and signing process quick and efficient. You’ll see tangible gains in efficiency while ensuring the authenticity and longevity of your official documents.
Recognized legal reliability
Our digital signature for departments gives you a high level of reliability and ensures:
- Origin: certifies the signature used on behalf of your department or organization
- Integrity: protects your documents from alterations
- Authenticity: incorporates proof of origin and integrity into the document
- Longevity: your document can be read, accessed and verified for decades to come thanks to conformity to the PAdES standard
Reduce your costs and environmental footprint
Just like your projects, the digital signature falls within the broader context of sustainable development:
- Reduced document printing and handling costs
- Elimination of shipping costs
- Minimized archiving costs
- Reduced environmental footprint
Cryptographic Token that Conforms to Adobe's Requirements
Your subscription includes a USB cryptographic token (Windows 10 only) so that your signature can be recognized by Adobe immediately, without configuration.
What is a digital signature? And what is the difference with an electronic signature?
A digital signature is an encrypted electronic signature that can guarantee the origin of an electronic document, its integrity, and its authenticity. When you manually sign a document, you guarantee your agreement to the text content. A digital signature does the same thing and adds even more information. It guarantees signature authenticity by proving that you are the person who signed, it ensures document integrity, meaning that it has not been modified since the signature, and also confirms that the sustainability of the document, ensuring its validity for years to come.
Difference between a digital and an electronic signature :
An electronic signature consists of blocks of information that identify you. A digital signature is a form of electronic signature that is more secure because it is encrypted and can be invisible. It protects many elements of your documents.
What is a digital identity and how is it used?
A digital identity uses technological conventions to link digital identifiers to a person’s attributes. A digital identity guarantees that a given person is at the other end of the transaction or the origin of a signed document. For example, a digital identity can be used to sign birth certificates, passports, university transcripts and diplomas, contracts, technical plans and drawings, and affidavits. In short, a digital identity can be used to sign any document whose proof of origin may be required for weeks, years, or even decades to come.
What is the legal value of my signed document once it is printed?
Regardless of the medium, what is most important is the preservation of information. In Quebec, according to An Act to Establish a Legal Framework for Information Technology, RSQ, c C-1.1, to argue in evidence, it must be shown that the integrity of the information has been maintained throughout its life cycle. In other words, the content of the printed version must remain identical to its original, digitally signed, electronic version to maintain its legal validity. Conversely, the same principle can be applied, for example, to the original paper version that is digitized and sent by email. The whole of the information must be preserved and we must ensure that it has not been falsified or altered by using protective measures such as a digital signature, an electronic seal, time stamping, etc. Such measures assure that any changes made to the document can be traced.
Are Notarius digital signatures recognized worldwide?
Notarius digital signatures are used to sign official documents and meet the standards of many countries. However, each jurisdiction may have specific requirements that must be met in order to be recognized. For example, in France, many agencies will only recognize French certificate authorities. In the United States, requirements for authenticating engineering documents will mostly be limited to a technological baseline, but not specific to a provider or a standard. As such, Notarius digital signatures meet or exceed the minimum requirements for all US states (except Hawaii). It is important to verify local digital signature requirements with recipients prior to submitting signed documents that use Notarius digital signatures.
Of course, other considerations need to be evaluated before making a digital shift. Please feel free to reach out to Notarius for a working session on the subject for further discussion
How are digital signatures secure? Can they be hacked?
Digital signatures are based on cryptography that was originally designed in the 1970s and is still considered the standard to secure different types of data. Digital signatures and their cryptographic derivatives are used in our daily lives to secure websites, communications, documents and financial transactions. If digital signatures were “hacked,” the first case of attack would likely be in the financial, military or government sector. An individual’s signed PDF document would be the least of a signer’s worries.
Why are Notarius digital signatures trusted and recognized by government agencies?
Not all digital signatures are issued and controlled in the same manner. Governments tend to limit the number of certificate authorities they will recognize or authorize. Strict guidelines are established and audited to ensure that the approved digital signature certificate authority has the proper technology, security, policy and process in place to guarantee the identity of all digital signatures issued. Notarius was created in the 1990s by Quebec’s Chambre des notaires (Board of Notaries) to build a government-grade certificate authority recognized by the Government of Quebec’s electronic land titles registry. Even today, very few third-party certificate authorities are authorized to issue trusted digital signatures for interaction with government agencies. Notarius is the only third-party certificate authority recognized by multiple provincial governments in Canada.
Can I ask my assistant to sign in my place and use my digital signature?
NO. This goes against our authentication standards and our certificate policies. Your right to use a digital signature may be revoked if you share your digital signature and password with someone else, including your colleagues, spouse and children. A third party may prepare your signature zone, but you are the only person who can use your digital signature.