Digital Signature Tools - Desktop
Protect your identity and the integrity of your electronic documents by converting your paper-based process to a digital one.
Digital Signature (.epf file)
Digital signature issued by a professional association
or an employer. Certifies the member’s identity and professional affiliation.
Professional Signature Tool
Digital signature software with advanced features and a PDF reader. Allows you sign batches of documents in just a few clicks, and more. Included for free with your CertifiO Desktop signature
Subscribe to your professional digital signature
4 Steps to Subscribe ...
Fill out the application
form and submit your
payment online
Identity verification
Complete a face-to-face
identity verification with
one of our agents
Get approval by your
professional association
or employer
Approx. 5 days
Activate your CertifiO
digital signature and start
signing documents!
CertifiO Desktop: Bring Reliability to the Digital World
More than 50,000 professionals currently use a digital signature in Canada. Digital identities are changing industries and are allowing professionals to digitally transform.
ConsignO Desktop: Innovate Faster
Included for free with your digital signature CertifiO Desktop.
Get the most out of ConsignO Desktop with these 20 training videos.
- Use different signatures appearances and seals
- Create models
- Sign document batches
- Convert documents in PDF/A
- Authenticate 3D files
- Stamp multiple pages at a time
- Assemble plans
Major Professional Advantages
Sign batches of documents
in only a couple of minutes
Authenticate documents
anywhere, anytime
Protect your seal
and original documents
Go From 2 Weeks to 1 Day
2030: Prepare Yourself for Tomorrow
When you make the switch to digital, you acquire the skills you’ll need for the future.
of jobs in Canada could be
automated by 2030 (1)
increase in AI’s share of the
global economy by 2030 (1)
lower uptake of cloud services by
Canadian companies (2)
Proven Legal Reliability
Help Build a Trusted Digital Ecosystem
Role: Train professionals
Task: Issue signatures
Role: Fulfill compliance requirements
Task: Sign documents
Role:Ensure that work meets standards
Task: Validate signed documents
«Ten years from now, when you go to retrieve an electronic document from your archives that has been signed with an EGBC signature provided by Notarius, you’ll know that it’s the original, unaltered document and that you can trust it.»
-Peter Mitchell, Director of Professional Practice, Standards and Development at EGBC
«I think we need to complete this metamorphosis as quickly as possible in order to realize the opportunity that digital transformation offers for the architecture, engineering, and construction industries. We can drastically improve the efficiency of our industry if everyone works digitally.»
Jeff DiBattista, Engineer and Managing Partner of the design pratice DIALOG
«It’s kind of like the catalyst that really unlocks our aptitudes towards digitalizing our practice. So, the fact that we were able to demonstrate (...) that we can digitize authentication (...) allows us to really start exploring other aspects of digital project delivery.»
- Bill Moore, President of BuildingSMART Canada and Manager at Associated Engineering
De quelle ordre ou associations faites-vous partie ?
Le prix de l’abonnement peut varié selon votre ordre ou association.
Ready to Start?
Complete the subscription form to get your trial signature and install the required software from our Download section.
Our experts will help you find the right solutions.