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  • CertifiO Digital Signature

Bringing reliability to the digital world 

The [INSERT ASSOCIATION ACRONYM] has selected CertifiO from Notarius to provide the [INSERT ASSOCIATION ACRONYM]’s Digital Signature to its members or registrants. Discover the benefits and the impacts of your digital signature in this video.


CTA : Watch

Link to YouTube : CertifiO Digital Signature  

  • ConsignO Desktop

Innovate faster with our ConsignO Desktop video series 

Combine efficiency and reliability with ConsignO Desktop. 40,000 official documents are signed every day with it! Take advantage of its unique and advanced features now with these 20 videos.


CTA: Watch 

Link to YouTube playlist:  

  • Q&A - Notarius & Your Association

Have questions about the use, the cost, or the security of a digital signature? In the video series below, Notarius answers some key questions about digital signatures. In 20 minutes, discover today’s digital best practices with Marc St-Jacques, VP of sales and digital transformation at Notarius.  


CTA: Watch 

Link to YouTube playlist: